No, mothballs are not flammable. They are made from a chemical called naphthalene, which has a relatively high melting point of around 176°C (349°F). This means that mothballs do not easily catch fire or ignite when exposed to normal temperatures or in typical household conditions.
However, it is important to note that although mothballs themselves are not flammable, they can release a toxic gas when heated. If mothballs are exposed to high temperatures, such as in a hot dryer or an open flame, they can undergo sublimation, which is the process of transitioning from a solid to a gas state without becoming a liquid.
The gas released by mothballs during sublimation is called naphthalene vapor. Naphthalene vapor is highly flammable and can pose a fire hazard if ignited. Therefore, it is crucial to handle and store mothballs properly to avoid any potential risks.

Safe Handling and Storage of Mothballs
Here are some important tips to ensure safe handling and storage of mothballs:
- Always read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the packaging.
- Avoid direct contact with mothballs and use gloves or tongs when handling them to prevent skin irritation.
- Keep mothballs out of reach of children and pets, as they can be harmful if ingested or inhaled.
- Store mothballs in a cool, dry place away from heat sources, such as heaters or direct sunlight.
- Do not mix mothballs with other chemicals or substances, as this could lead to a dangerous reaction.
- If you no longer need the mothballs, dispose of them according to the guidelines provided by your local waste management authorities.
By following these guidelines, you can safely use mothballs to protect your clothes and belongings from moths and other pests without any risk of fire or harm.
Alternatives to Mothballs
If you prefer to avoid using mothballs altogether, there are several natural alternatives that can help protect your clothes from moth damage:
- Cedarwood: Cedar chips or cedar blocks are known to repel moths due to their natural aromatic properties.
- Lavender: Moths are not fond of lavender scent, so you can use lavender sachets or dried lavender to keep them away.
- Cloves: Whole cloves or clove sachets placed in your closet can deter moths and provide a pleasant scent.
- Moth-repellent herbs: Herbs like rosemary, thyme, and mint have natural moth-repellent properties. You can create sachets or hang dried bundles in your closet.
These alternatives are safer, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly, making them a great choice for those who want to avoid using chemical-based products like mothballs.
In Summary
Mothballs themselves are not flammable, but they can release a flammable gas called naphthalene vapor when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, it is essential to handle and store mothballs correctly to ensure safety. Following the instructions provided by the manufacturer and considering natural alternatives can help protect your clothes from moths without any fire hazards or potential harm.
Frequently Asked Questions On Are Moth Balls Flammable? Uncovering The Hidden Fire Risk
Are Moth Balls Flammable?
Yes, moth balls are highly flammable and can be a fire hazard if not used properly.
How Do Moth Balls Work?
Moth balls work by releasing a toxic vapor that repels and kills moths, larvae, and other insects.
Can Moth Balls Cause Health Problems?
Yes, prolonged exposure to moth balls can lead to health issues such as respiratory irritation, headaches, and dizziness.
How Should I Store Moth Balls Safely?
Moth balls should be stored in airtight containers and kept in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.