GST A Unit Question Solution 2021 | GST KA Unit Solve PDF

Hello candidates, GST admission has begun after a long wait. The first exam of GST admission was of the A unit. If you are one of the candidates in the A unit, you might need this GST A unit question solution to check how many questions you have answered correctly.

So, we have come up with the most accurate solution to the GST A unit question. This will help you find out the chance of getting selected in the admission test. Without any further due, let’s get started.

GST A Unit Question Solution

For the first time in Bangladesh, 20 prominent universities are going through a combined admission process called the GST admission. This has been the center of attention for many candidates countrywide. And the admission test has started with the A unit exam on 16 October 2021.

About 74,000 candidates have participated in the admission test of A unit. They had to answer 100 MCQ in 90 minutes. Among the questions, there were 20 questions in Bangla, 20 in English, 30 in Physics, and 30 in Chemistry.

After the exam, you might now need the solution to those questions to check how many marks you can get in the exam.


GST A Unit Question Answer

We have arranged the solution to the question of A unit exam for your convenience. These answers are given by some of the most experienced and expert teachers in relevant subjects.

So, you will get all the correct answers in the solution. And then you can cross check your performance according to this solution to determine how many marks you can obtain in the test.

Though this is not mandatory, you probably will get a bit of mental satisfaction by doing this. So, let’s proceed to download the solution.

Download GST A Unit Question Solution

Now that you have understood the necessity of the solution, we are gonna provide the solution both in PDF and image format.

Click on the image or PDF to download the GST A unit question solution. As the solution is organized according to the question, you will easily get all the correct answers at a glance.

After you have downloaded the solution, check whether you have given the right choice for every question in the admission test. This way, you can determine how many marks you may obtain in the result. As you will also know the number of wrong answers, you can calculate the total marks to be obtained finally. This will be of great help for those who are still confused about whether they will succeed in the admission test or not.

Final Words

Let’s finish this here. The GST A unit question solution is our first token of effort for the candidates. We will continue to upload question solutions for other units as well.

As soon as other admission tests are held, we will come up with relevant solutions so that you can check your performance and boost your confidence. We wish you very good luck for your future admission tests.